Blog 14: English Language Challenges

I would like to be in person

Hi guys, well I have been in two semesters of English, with different teachers, so they have been very different experiences. Last semester the teacher only made us talk in class and this semester I saw a lot more exercises and guides besides talking. Even so, both of them made use of blogs, I think they are good because I take the time to write something that can be understood, what happens is that sometimes I forget to publish them.

I think I need to improve my confidence when speaking, I start to think a lot about what to say or if I am conjugating verbs correctly and mental mess. I guess I could improve by talking and practicing with other people, sometimes at home I do it by teaching my siblings, it's easier than doing it in class lol.

 I'm a fan of sitcoms, there's always time for one, especially to listen and read in English :)

And outside of class I use it a lot, when watching series and movies, nowadays I watch them with English subtitles, also when listening to new songs, or singing the same old ones, and of course when looking for research articles, about topics that are not in Spanish, of course, even if it's more complex and less fun than watching a series. 
