Blog 3: My favorite piece of technology


Hi chiques! I hope you’re good. Today I am gonna talk about my cellphone, well I have this since 2018, and it's incredible because always something bad happened to them with my cell phones and they didn't last long, I think maybe now I am more careful. I use it for almost everything, capture images, social networks, study, I don't know, listen to music, watch series, well it has many functions, if you have one, you will understand it. But for me it is very important to communicate me.  

I use this device a lot, because usually I am far of my family, friends and boyfriend, so this dispositive saves me. I like how distances are shortened with a video call, from anywhere, how a call can brighten a day and how a message can bring a lot of calm sometimes. 

I think without a cellphone would be very difficult to maintain my relations lol, it would be sad not to be able to talk to my loved ones during the day, especially I think about my parents, my grandparents and my boyfriend. I remember that sometimes I would leave my charger somewhere and even get home and not be able to call to say good night.

Well that is all for today, thanks for reading this far, see u ♡ 
