Blog 12: Postgraduate Studies

 Even if I only want it to end

Hi chiques! One of my biggest wishes is to get out of university as soon as possible, I think sometimes there is an academic overload that just doesn't make me feel good. Even so, I guess you never stop learning, for this very reason, I think I would like to specialize in some postgraduate or diploma in gerontology or childhood. 

This is because I would like to focus my work in those areas, they seem like two extremes lol, but I feel that they are stages of life that need more attention and recognition. 

I would like to look at subjects on the various aspects of old age and the aging of a population, or childhood and the growth of them (I haven't decided which one yet, good thing... I still have time to choose). As well as studying its dimensions, such as biological, psychological, social, economic and cultural. In turn learn how to make effective interventions and projects to this social group.

Sincerely, if I am allowed, I would like to study abroad, although it also seems pertinent to me to do it locally, for the Chilean society. But well, I guess that will be defined over time, while I just have to focus on passing my current courses and try to continue falling in love with the career.
