Blog 13: Changes to my Study Program

I would like to say less homework 

Hi chiques! As you know I study social work, first of all it is located in the faculty of social sciences, the department is the smallest one. In this career like others in this faculty, you read a lot, the load and intensity of branches varies greatly depending on the teacher, but on more than one occasion I have been stressed or anxious about it.

Now I really like the curriculum, for this reason I decided to stay at the university. It includes a basic cycle, which is the first two years, where we see purely social sciences, and very little of the discipline. Now from the third year onwards we see the research cores; here I want to stop a little, because although they are quite interesting, I feel that the subject of practice is left a little aside.

Social work study program at the University of Chile 

In this sense, I think I would like to prepare us a little more for the work environment, such as the use of excel, how to make a Social File, use of statistical programs, among others. I enjoy research a lot, but I feel that it would be better to have a space to prepare in terms of planning and administration. 

But well, I guess it's part of the approach that the university has, and I will learn all those things eventually. I think there is a lack of balance between theory and practice in the courses, because I agree with the promotion of critical thinking about phenomena, but it makes me anxious to graduate and leave the university and still feel under-qualified.


  1. It would be good to implement more prepare for the work environment.

  2. Hi, I agree with you, it would be good to add more "practical" subjects to be more closed to the work environment <3

  3. I agree, I feel that the lack of practical courses is widespread in the faculty.

  4. I agree with you, sometimes I think that I'm not prepared to the next semester. Having virtual classes also makes me more anxious.


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