Blog 10: What's Like to Study Social Work?

Nice Change

Hi chiques! well as you know at the moment I'm studying social work at the university of chile, I'm in my second year of my career. As you know in 2019 I also studied history at UCH and it was not what I expected, so I wondered what I wanted to do in the future, because with this degree I had trouble imagining it. 

And then I wanted to look for a way to help people directly, including the analysis of the context and the structural, with multiple skills, such as social work. That's why I liked the curriculum of the university, the topic of interventions, research, in communities got me very excited.

Cement surrounded by grass, that's Calama, that's where I have my best memories of university.

Although I still do not get to the exciting, because studying the career today, with the online mode... I think it is difficult, I liked being in a library or study hall, at home it is very easy to get distracted, plus I do not know in person any of my classmates which is something sad, but I hope to return soon. I never thought I would miss the JGM campus so much, I hope we come back soon to sit and relax in” calama“ or have lunch at ICEI. 

Well that is all for today, thanks for reading this far, see u ♡


  1. What a story! Glad to hear that you found a career that really like you, it is actually weird for me to read about someone who actually knows the faculty hahaha

  2. I also studied before in JGM and that picture got me emotional! I really miss the university. I also like the curriculum of the career and I hope we can get the best of this son we can apply our knowledge to make a good change.


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