Blog 7: A Country You Would Like to Visit

Where Would You Travel?

Hi chiques, well thinking of an answer to this question was very difficult, because I am not good at choosing only one thing or option. But I would really like to visit France, this because at least for me, this destination has too many attractions and amazing places. 

This is Carcassonne, a medieval city in France and it was declared a World Heritage Site 

Well, like other countries, its cities have a huge history, in this country you can still see some medieval cities, classic art museums, and of course historical monuments, like for example the Eiffel Tower. Now among all the places and tourist activities that exist in the country, my main ones would be to visit Carcassonne and its museum of fine arts; also to make a picnic in The Tuileries garden, as well as a tour of the lavender routes; I would like to visit The Botanical Garden of Lyon and of course to go to the Louvre Museum.

The Tuileries Garden Became a public park after the French Revolution 

If you ask me if I would like to live there, well even though I feel it would be a bit difficult to communicate at first, because they speak another language there, I think it would be great to study or work for a while there, I have never been so far away from my home country, so it would be a great adventure. 

Well that is all for today, thanks for reading this far, see u ♡


  1. Hi Antonia, I think the same as you, I think that France is a beautiful country to know <3

  2. Wow! The Tuileries Garden is a very beautiful and interesting place to go

  3. The word chiques, it isn't an English word. The rest of your post is good.


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