Blog 5: A Photograph

Very young times 

Hi chiques! Today I bring you a picture, I honestly don't know who took it, but it was taken in the presence of my parents, it was taken in 2005 at the beginning of the year. You may wonder who it is? And it's me 15 years ago, at the entrance of the kindergarten.

Me at 4 years old

Why I like this picture? I honestly didn't know what else to select and on my device I only have old pictures. Although when I saw it, well I do like this one, I guess because I was little and I had no idea what the responsibilities were, somehow I feel that I look so calm and without worries or anxieties (maybe it was the last few years I was like this), although they were not good times, the only thing I thought about was going to see my friends and play; I think that is the coolest thing about being a kid. I think, in a way, that it is necessary to have that child's soul, and be able to live only the day (carpe diem LOL). No, but seriously... I guess it would be good from time to time to enjoy and be surprised just like when we were kids.

Well that is all for today, thanks for reading this far, see u ♡ 
