Blog 2: Why did I choose this programme/career?


Hi chiques! sorry for the delay, but it was a difficult week called "rest week". So to start, I remember always wanted to help the people, How? I don't know, but that's was the point or my “propuse”. When I went to elementary I remember was interest in the health area, specially  the dentist. But everythings change, so when I was in the high school I change my options for something more "humanist" or "social cience".

Well I changed my plans, and I wanted to enter the Studies International program in USACH, it was my goal for a long time, but I was influenced for my parents because they don't like the idea, so I postulated to the same career in the UCH and I was not. I had to resort to my second option History program.

As an aside, this is the new building of FFHH, when I entered, some classes were the old and moth-eaten building, that I loved a lot, the actual looks like a hospital, but that’s ok.

Sincerely I never liked completely this idea, I tried, but everythings looks bad. My university experience was an emotional rollercoaster the always goes down lol. Anyway its in the past, so I had to change my perspective and think about myself in the future, what I want. Because the difficult going to university always be in there, but at least I can be in a place the I like. I was thinking  about changed the career every day and every time, and the decision made me feel so anxious, but i did it. 

“Si soy”

So after a complicated year, I am studying Social Work at the same university, now the experience is so different, the truth is I don't like this online mode, but I love everything about the career. In the future I want to work in something of my areas of interest, such as education, childhood, old people and/or mental health. I would also like to make a magister and continues my studies, the specialty is importan to me, because I want to make a contribution for this beautiful discipline. 

Well that is all for today, thanks for reading this far, see u ♡ 


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